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Testing Tools For C#

A comprehensive curated list of C# test automation frameworks, tools, libraries and software to help software engineers easily bootstrap test automation on C#. Sponsored by http://sdclabs.com

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Testing in benchmarks the system performance and allows you to compare the test in to the test out and definitively prove the value of the service that you provide. Testing in is simple and only requires two measurements and two tools and can be done without even putting your gauges on the system.

Table of content:


xUnit frameworks

  • NUnit ― The most known, extensible and portable(yes, you can run your tests on Mono for Linux and Mac) unit-testing framework in the .Net world. It comes with descent test adapters for Visual Studio 2013 - .. as well as standalone GUI and command line runners
  • MSTest (Visual Studio Test) ― the most conservative and slow evolving unit testing framework with only one good thing: it is built-in to the Visual Studio. So, you can always rely it is there.
  • xUnit ― the 'bleeding edge' unit testing framework, beloved by many developers, even from Microsoft. This is community based open source project, written by the original inventor of NUnit 2.0
  • Gallio Icarus and MbUnit ― the most feature reach Test Runner, Test Reporter and Unit testing framework. It is still popular in many .NET shops, especially for running Selenium WebDriver UI tests.. Unfortunately, it is not being maintained since 2012. 💀


  • Fluent Assertions is a set of .NET extension methods that allow you to more naturally specify the expected outcome of a TDD or BDD-style test.
  • SpecFlow ― A pragmatic BDD solution for .NET. It uses the Gherkin specification language and integrates to Visual Studio.
  • SpecFlow.Selenium.Plugin ― SpecFlow plugin for Selenium instances generation over tags. Cucumber for dotnet
  • BDDfy - The simplest BDD framework for .Net EVER! The name comes from the fact that it allows you to turn your tests into BDD behaviors simply.

Code analysis

  • NCover ― really good code coverage tool, but $$
  • OpenCover is a code coverage tool for .NET 2 and above, support for 32 and 64 processes with both branch and sequence points
  • NCrunch - an automated concurrent testing tool for Visual Studio.
  • See also: Code Coverage for C#/.NET

Web UI test automation

  • Selenium WebDriver ― Yes! WebDriver is everywhere! This is the best and the most popular UI test automation library and infrastructure.
  • Atata ― An open source C#/.NET test automation full featured framework based on Selenium WebDriver. It uses fluent page object pattern with built-in logging. Atata Framework is extensible and contains a set of components, triggers and much more.
  • Coded UI ($$$) (Internet Explorer only) ― Okay.. it is integrated into the Visual Studio Premium+ and supports Record&Playback 'automation'.
  • WatiN ― Before the Selenium Webdriver appeared on the market, WatiN was one of the best Web UI automation frameworks for .NET. Now it is not maintained. 💀
  • Golem Object Oriented C# Automated Testing Framework. Golem was created to simplify the process of creating enterprise-scale automated testing suites. It wraps around Gallio/MbUnit and a number of automation tools (such as Selenium-WebDriver) to provide the tester with a simple process for creating automated tests no matter what the tool. The inclusion of advanced features, diagnostic information, easy configuration, and enhanced API's helps Golem make automating in code-based automation tools much more practical. A standard test structure is enforced throughout the Golem framework to make the code readable and easy to reuse. Company behind it (ProtoTest) is in the process of winding down. Last commit was done in May, 2015.
  • Mailosaur - .NET client for email testing/automation via Mailosaur.

Mobile test automation

  • Coded UI supports some level of the mobile test automationfor Windows Phone
  • Xamarin.UITest is a library that comes with Xamarin Forms and allows you to automate the applications built with Xamarintechnology on Windows Phone, iOS and Android
  • Appium supports cross platform test automation for Native and Hybrid mobile applications
  • Testura.Android A lightweight test automation framework to test android applications. Easy to start and require minimum set up.

Windows UI test automation

  • Winium.Cruciatus is an open source C# Framework for automated testing of Windows application based on WinForms and WPF platforms.
  • Teststack White is one of the most popular and stable open source UI test automation libraryfor Windows (WinAPI / WPF / Silverlight / Windows Forms).
  • Coded UI ($$$) does a pretty good job for Windows UI automation. Pricey.. because it comes with Visual Studio Premium and Ultimate.
  • Cutie - CUITe (Coded UI Test enhanced) Framework is a thin layer developed on top of Microsoft Visual Studio Team Test's Coded UI
  • AutoIt (COM bindings) ― since it implements COM+ interface, autoit can be available from any language on windows, including C#.
  • WebAii Testing Framework - Framework for cross-browser testing with native support for Telerik UI for ASP.NET AJAX, Silverlight, WPF, HTML5 and XAML applications, etc.
  • FlaUI - UI automation library for .Net. Rewritten White with UIA3, UIA2, MSAA support
  • Windows Application Driver - Windows Application Driver is a service to support UI Test Automation of Windows Applications. The service design subscribes to the Mobile JSON Wire Protocol standard.

Virtual environments

Performance & stress & load

Testing tools for watering trees in boxes

Security checking

Continuous Integration

  • Jenkins ― can be easily configured to support C# continuous integration process:

    1. Use NUnit as your test runner with Jenkins NUnit Plugin
    2. Use Microsoft Build Tools to build the project without Visual Studio
    3. Use Windows Batch files and / or Powershell to perform any system configuration tasks
    4. Use msdeploy from Web Deploy Toolkit in order to perform the remotedeployment and configuration tasks.
  • TeamCity is a free and simple Build and Continuous integration server. You canrun the C# tests just out of the box

  • [Team Foundation Server] ― well.. the marketing guys say that it can also build something for you

  • Appveyor is free for open source projects and easy to use.


  • Allure - An open-source reporting library for test automation (NUnit 2 and MSTest adapters).
  • Allure SpecFlow - Allure SpecFlow Plugin
  • Allure NUnit - Allure NUnit plugin
  • ReportPortal - Full-featured result management tool for clients, managers & test automation engineers (NUnit 2, Nunit 3 and SpecFlow adapters).
  • ExtentReports - An open-source reporting library for test automation.
  • GHPReporter - An open-source .NET test reporting tool for several testing frameworks (supports NUnit 3, MSTest and SpecFlow).

Documentation generation

  • Doxygen is a free and open source documentation generation platform, that supports multiple languages.You may write a standard C# XML documentation ― and Doxygen will process it correctly; Yo may use markdown and include images ― Doxygen can handle even more.Grab and modify this Doxyfile for C#
  • Wyam Static site generator with built-in capability to generate API documentation from .NET library metadata and XML documentation.

Editors, IDE, consoles

  • Free Visual Studio Community Edition ― starting from VS2013,Visual Studio Professional is became free for small teams.
  • Sharpdevelop is a free and open source IDE for C#
  • Visual Studio Code is a free and cross-platform IDE

Useful libs

Testing Tools For Watering Trees In Boxes

  • Json.NET is a popular high-performance JSON framework for .NET
  • RestSharp ― simple REST and HTTP API Client
  • XMLUnit - testing and comparing XML output for Java and .NET

Where to discover new libraries, information, tools, etc.


  • automated-testing.info - Test automation community
  • atinfo.github.io/at.info-knowledge-base - Knowledge base for test automation examples on different tools and technologies

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A defining factor for successfully applying test automation in software projects is choosing and using the right set of test automation tools. This is a daunting task, especially for those new to software test automation because there are so many tools in the market to choose from, each having different strengths and weaknesses. There is no tool that can fit all automated testing needs which makes finding the right tool difficult. Learn how to identify the right automation tool for your project with this qualitative comparison of Katalon Studio to other popular automated testing toolsets in the market.


Katalon Studio is an automated testing platform that offers a comprehensive set of features to implement full automated testing solutions for Web, API, and Mobile. Built on top of the open-source Selenium and Appium frameworks, Katalon Studio allows teams to get started with test automation quickly by reducing the effort and expertise required for learning and integrating these frameworks for automated testing needs.

Selenium is perhaps the most popular automation framework that consists of many tools and plugins for Web application testing. Selenium is known for its powerful capability to support performance testing of Web applications. Selenium is a popular choice in the open-source test automation space, partly due to its large and active development and user community.

Unified Functional Testing (UFT), formerly QuickTest Professional (QTP), is probably the most popular commercial tool for functional test automation. UFT offers a comprehensive set of features that can cover most functional automated testing needs on the desktop, mobile and Web platforms.

Testing Tools For C#

TestComplete is also a commercial integrated platform for desktop, mobile and Web application testing. Like UFT, TestComplete offers a number of key test automation features such as keyword-driven and data-driven testing, cross-browser testing, API testing and CI integrations. This tool supports a number of languages including JavaScript, Python, VBScript, JScript, DelphiScript, C++Script, and C#Script for writing test scripts.


The table below provides a comparison of the tools based on the key features of software automation.

FeaturesKatalon StudioSeleniumUFTTestComplete
Test development platformCross-platformCross-platformWindowsWindows
Application under testWeb, Mobile apps, API/Web servicesWeb appsWindows desktop, Web, Mobile apps, API/Web servicesWindows desktop, Web, Mobile apps, API/Web services
Scripting languagesJava/GroovyJava, C#, Perl, Python, JavaScript, Ruby, PHPVBScriptJavaScript, Python, VBScript, JScript, Delphi, C++ and C#
Programming skillsNot required. Recommended for advanced test scriptsAdvanced skills needed to integrate various tools Not required. Recommended for advanced test scriptsNot required. Recommended for advanced test scripts
Learning curvesMediumHighMediumMedium
Ease of installation and useEasy to setup and runRequire installing and integrating various toolsEasy to setup and runEasy to setup and run
Script creation timeQuickSlowQuickQuick
Object storage and maintenanceBuilt-in object repository, XPath, object re-identificationXPath, UI MapsBuilt-in object repository, smart object detection and correctionBuilt-in object repository, detecting common objects
Image-based testingBuilt-in supportRequire installing additional librariesBuilt-in support, image-based object recognitionBuilt-in support
DevOps/ALM integrationsMany No (require additional libraries)ManyMany
Continuous integrationsPopular CI tools (e.g. Jenkins, Teamcity)Various CI tools (e.g. Jenkins, Cruise Control)Various CI tools (e.g. Jenkins, HP Quality Center)Various CI tools (e.g. Jenkins, HP Quality Center)
Test AnalyticsKatalon AnalyticsNoNoNo
Product supportCommunity, Business support service, Dedicated staffOpen source communityDedicated staff, CommunityDedicated staff, Community
License typeFreeware Open source (Apache 2.0)ProprietaryProprietary
CostFreeFreeLicense and maintenance feesLicense and maintenance fees

Strengths and weaknesses

The comparison table above mainly focus on the common features of an automated testing tool. The following presents another perspective by picking and comparing key strengths and limitations of the tools.

Automated Testing Tools For C# Applications

Katalon Studio
  • No licensing and maintenance fees required (paid dedicated support services is available if needed).
  • Integrating necessary frameworks and features for quick test cases creation and execution.
  • Built on top of the Selenium framework but eliminating the need for advanced programming skills required for Selenium.
  • Emerging solution with a quickly growing community.
  • Feature set is still evolving.
  • Lack of choices for scripting languages: only Java/Groovy is supported.
  • Open source, no licensing and maintenance fees.
  • Large and active development and user community to keep pace with software technologies.
  • Open for integration with other tools and frameworks to enhance its capability
  • Testing teams need to have good programming skills and experience to set up and integrate Selenium with other tools and frameworks.
  • New teams need to invest time upfront for setup and integration.
  • Slow support from the community.
  • Mature, comprehensive automated testing features integrated into a single system.
  • Dedicated user support plus an established large user community.
  • Requiring only basic programming skills to get started with test creation and execution.
  • Costly solution: license and maintenance fees are considerably high.
  • Possible high costs for upgrades and additional modules.
  • Supporting only VBScript.
  • Mature, comprehensive automated testing features integrated into a single system.
  • Many scripting languages to choose from.
  • Only basic programming skills needed.
  • Like UFT, considerable licensing and maintenance fees needed for TestComplete.
  • Additional fees for extra modules and add-ons.

Integration Testing Tools For C#

There is no one-size-fits-all tool for automated testing. It is highly recommended that testers evaluate various tools in order to select what would best meet their automated testing needs. Programming languages and technologies used to develop software continue to evolve, as do the automated testing tools, making cost a significant factor in tool selection. Commercial vendors often charge for tool upgrades, which can be substantial if your software uses emerging and frequently changing technologies. Open source and non-commercial tools, on the other hand, do not incur additional charges but require effort and expertise for integrating new upgrades. It is difficult to find the support and expertise needed for integrating various tools and frameworks into open-source solutions. Emerging tools that integrate with open-source frameworks, like Katalon, offer a viable alternative to both commercial and open-source automated testing solutions.

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